PhD on creative AI

As of January 1, 2024, I start as a doctoral student at KU Leuven Faculty of Engineering Science. My research project? Creating comics and 2D animation with AI - who would have thought that my hybrid passions would merge so perfectly! A huge thank you to everyone who was enthusiastic about my dream, especially my supervisors prof. Luc De Raedt and prof. Tinne Tuytelaars, research manager Wannes Meert, my industrial partners Standaard Uitgeverij and Studio 100, and especially Koen Clement. Thanks also to VLAIO - Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship, because with the Baekeland mandate, this adventure can finally begin. Ready for five years of drawing and innovation!
Contrary to what the illustration suggests, my research does not focus on replacing the artist with an AI model 😉. There is really no valid reason to deprive people of their incredible creative work. As an artist myself, I can't justify advocating for such a change. That's not what my research is about. Instead, I'm focusing on the parts of the creative process that are monotonous and repetitive, which I believe could benefit from partial automation. In discussions with fellow artists, I noticed a consensus that AI doesn't have to pose a threat as long as we keep humans at the forefront of the creative process.